Monday, October 18, 2010

Four months!

Our precious baby girl is now four months old! I can't believe she's getting so big. We just love her so much, and we love watching all of the new things she's able to do each day. She can now laugh out loud, roll over in one direction, grab and play with toys, and bear weight on her legs and stomp around. Her favorite toys are our cell phones, laptops, and food in our plates. Corinne is not really interested in rattles. She also loves her baby einstein piano and her new jumperoo. We had to put a photo album underneath the jumperoo so she can reach with her little feet to jump around! Today, I picked up a couple of used toys at a used toys/clothes store in Lafayette so she can have more toys to play with.

Things are going well in Broussard. Andrew's working ALL the time with his day job and with doing beer-related things for Parish Brewing. Corinne seems to really like her babysitter, Mrs. Martha, because she's all smiles when I drop her off with Mrs. Martha in the mornings. I'm working all day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. By the time Thursdays come, I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown from the stress of juggling work and getting Corinne to her sitter, etc. I have no idea how moms do it 5 days a week.

We also welcomed a new family member this week, Thomas Nicholas Van Horn. Thomas was born on Tuesday, October 12th and is so adorable!! He shares a birthday with his nana! Congrats Thomas and Jane!

Oh, and I will turn 30 tomorrow. Not excited about this birthday at all. I still feel 18, though!

I hope everyone's doing well!

Our precious girl at 4 months.

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