Monday, June 11, 2012

Letter to Corinne for 2nd Birthday

June 11, 2012

Dear Corinne,

I’ve decided to write you a letter each year for your birthday.  I hope that one day you will read these letters when you get older. 

You are almost 2 years old, and I’m so proud of the amazing little girl you are becoming.  You have been able to sing the ABC song for about 4 months, and you’ve been able to count to 10 for about 4 months.  You can also count to 10 in French!  You’re starting to speak in sentences, and I can understand about 50% of what you say.  You know about 300 words.  You are amazing. 

Your daddy and I love you so, so much.  You’re a very active little toddler, and you keep us very busy.  You’re constantly trying to climb things and get into some sort of trouble or another, and I’m always trying to protect you and keep you safe. 

I’m working Monday through Thursday as an attorney, and you go to Guchereau, a daycare, while I’m at work.  It breaks my heart to drop you off at school Monday through Thursday.  I wish I could stay at home with you all the time to teach you and watch you grow. 

Your daddy started a beer brewery, and it’s been a rough road to say the least.  He works a lot, and it continues to be an uphill struggle.  He just recently started taking off some time on the weekends to do fun things with us. 

You are beautiful!  You have gorgeous blue-gray eyes and the most beautiful dark blonde hair with little curls at the end.  You have your daddy’s eyebrows and shape of his mouth.  You have the shape of my eyes.  You have cute, round cheeks.  Your little legs are getting so long, and you’re starting to get really heavy to carry around!

You love animals.  We have two dogs and a cat.  Our dogs are Gracie and Gus.  Our cat is Mia.  We are members at the Broussard Zoo, and we take you there at least once a month, sometimes more.  We went to the Audubon Zoo and Insectarium last weekend.  You got a backstage pass and got to feed and hang out with the elephants!!!  It was amazing.  You probably won’t remember it, but remind me to tell you about it.  It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done with you.   

You’re definitely in the terrible twos!!  Sometimes there is nothing I can do make you happy.  You get so frustrated when I try to get you cleaned and dressed for your day.  You scream, cry, kick your feet, and throw yourself down on the ground in fits of frustration!  Your teachers at school tell me that you sometimes will get aggressive with the other children and pull hair and grab faces.  I have talks with you after school every time I get a bad report. 

Your dad and I either held you or held and rocked you to sleep every night up until about  2 months ago.  Now, you just want me to sing to you and hang out in your bed with you until you fall asleep.  I happily do it because I know you won’t want me to snuggle you to sleep forever. 

You’re a very picky eater.  You like to eat corn dogs and hot dogs.  You also love all of your food with a little ketchup.  You drink about one or two containers of pediasure a day.  You love chocolate milk.  I try to get you to eat fruits and veggies, and you’re finally starting to come around a little bit.  You’ll eat grapes, broccoli, avocado, strawberries, bananas, and peas.   

You like to watch soccer with daddy on tv.  You call it “soca ba.”  Daddy has high hopes that you’ll like to play soccer one day.  We already have a junior soccer ball and cones ready for you to start practicing. 

I read to you every night.  I’ve read at least 3 books to you every night since you were born.  I hope you enjoy reading when you get older. 

I hope to be the best mom I can be to you.  I know I won’t be perfect, but I hope I am good enough.  We are having an Elmo-themed birthday lunch for you at Houma’s House on Saturday, and I hope you enjoy it!  Your whole family will be there to help you celebrate because we all love you so much!  I love you very much my precious daughter!!

Love, Mommy

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