Monday, June 11, 2012

Letter to Corinne for 2nd Birthday

June 11, 2012

Dear Corinne,

I’ve decided to write you a letter each year for your birthday.  I hope that one day you will read these letters when you get older. 

You are almost 2 years old, and I’m so proud of the amazing little girl you are becoming.  You have been able to sing the ABC song for about 4 months, and you’ve been able to count to 10 for about 4 months.  You can also count to 10 in French!  You’re starting to speak in sentences, and I can understand about 50% of what you say.  You know about 300 words.  You are amazing. 

Your daddy and I love you so, so much.  You’re a very active little toddler, and you keep us very busy.  You’re constantly trying to climb things and get into some sort of trouble or another, and I’m always trying to protect you and keep you safe. 

I’m working Monday through Thursday as an attorney, and you go to Guchereau, a daycare, while I’m at work.  It breaks my heart to drop you off at school Monday through Thursday.  I wish I could stay at home with you all the time to teach you and watch you grow. 

Your daddy started a beer brewery, and it’s been a rough road to say the least.  He works a lot, and it continues to be an uphill struggle.  He just recently started taking off some time on the weekends to do fun things with us. 

You are beautiful!  You have gorgeous blue-gray eyes and the most beautiful dark blonde hair with little curls at the end.  You have your daddy’s eyebrows and shape of his mouth.  You have the shape of my eyes.  You have cute, round cheeks.  Your little legs are getting so long, and you’re starting to get really heavy to carry around!

You love animals.  We have two dogs and a cat.  Our dogs are Gracie and Gus.  Our cat is Mia.  We are members at the Broussard Zoo, and we take you there at least once a month, sometimes more.  We went to the Audubon Zoo and Insectarium last weekend.  You got a backstage pass and got to feed and hang out with the elephants!!!  It was amazing.  You probably won’t remember it, but remind me to tell you about it.  It was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done with you.   

You’re definitely in the terrible twos!!  Sometimes there is nothing I can do make you happy.  You get so frustrated when I try to get you cleaned and dressed for your day.  You scream, cry, kick your feet, and throw yourself down on the ground in fits of frustration!  Your teachers at school tell me that you sometimes will get aggressive with the other children and pull hair and grab faces.  I have talks with you after school every time I get a bad report. 

Your dad and I either held you or held and rocked you to sleep every night up until about  2 months ago.  Now, you just want me to sing to you and hang out in your bed with you until you fall asleep.  I happily do it because I know you won’t want me to snuggle you to sleep forever. 

You’re a very picky eater.  You like to eat corn dogs and hot dogs.  You also love all of your food with a little ketchup.  You drink about one or two containers of pediasure a day.  You love chocolate milk.  I try to get you to eat fruits and veggies, and you’re finally starting to come around a little bit.  You’ll eat grapes, broccoli, avocado, strawberries, bananas, and peas.   

You like to watch soccer with daddy on tv.  You call it “soca ba.”  Daddy has high hopes that you’ll like to play soccer one day.  We already have a junior soccer ball and cones ready for you to start practicing. 

I read to you every night.  I’ve read at least 3 books to you every night since you were born.  I hope you enjoy reading when you get older. 

I hope to be the best mom I can be to you.  I know I won’t be perfect, but I hope I am good enough.  We are having an Elmo-themed birthday lunch for you at Houma’s House on Saturday, and I hope you enjoy it!  Your whole family will be there to help you celebrate because we all love you so much!  I love you very much my precious daughter!!

Love, Mommy

Monday, November 22, 2010

Long baby!

Corinne is now 5 months old and is in the 75th percentile for height (at 26 inches) and 40th percentile for weight (14 1/2 lbs). She grew out of her 3-6 month clothes a few weeks ago, but I didn't really think anything of it. Now we know that apparently she is a long baby. There's still no way to tell how tall she will end up being, but it makes me happy to know that she may have a chance at being a little taller than me!

She's also just started to laugh out loud and try to crawl. It's hilarious to watch. She gets on all fours and rocks back and forth. She also started to eat vegetables about 4 days ago at her pediatrician's recommendation. She's been eating cereal for about 3 weeks now. She'll be completely weaned from breastmilk in about a week. It makes me sad that she'll just be consuming formula. However, I feel good knowing that she was about 90% breastmilk for her first three months and about 25% breastmilk for month 4 through present, especially considering I had to pump just about everything she consumed.

(Cereal feeding with daddy.)

(More peas, please? Actually, she liked the carrots and sweet potatoes much more than the peas.)

We're just soo thankful to have a healthy baby. She makes us laugh everyday!! She really makes us laugh during bathtime. She becomes such a happy baby!

(Bathtime ducky with dada.)

We're looking forward to having a, hopefully, relaxing weekend. Thanksgiving day at Andrew's parents' house in Baton Rouge, and then a couple of days in Houma. We need a little break because our lives have been very hectic lately. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Active baby

We have realized that we have a very fiesty and active little girl! She's such a roly poly these days, rolling in all directions. She's also learning how to creep across the floor. It's absolutely amazing to see all of the new things she's able to do from week to week. She can sit as a little tripod on the floor with her hands in front of her. Also, as of 2 days ago, she no longer fights me feeding her cereal with a spoon. What's really adorable is she loves Gracie and Gus! Gracie's ear was the first thing she ever touched a few weeks ago. Now, she reaches out for Gracie and Gus when she sees them. Really cute.

For Corinne's first Halloween last week, we enjoyed a family trip to the zoo and then a BBQ. It was a really fun day! We got lucky with gorgeous weather. Corinne then enjoyed a little trick or treating with her cousin Londyn in our neighborhood.

(Corinne and cousin Thomas at the zoo.)
This past week, we went to visit her Auntie Jane and cousins Londyn and Thomas in Ft. Polk. Corinne had a lot of fun with her little cousins. I think Londyn is starting to enjoy having a little girl cousin. She was so sweet and gave me a pretty necklace that doesn't fit her anymore to give to Corinne when she's a little older.

(The cousins, Corinne, Thomas, and Londyn, playing together in Ft. Polk.)
Corinne and I are just looking forward to her daddy not having to work all the time. He's working so hard trying to get Parish Brewing started, we only see him for a little while each day. I suppose I'm just thankful that at least he's able to come home every night, even if it's just to spend a little time with us. However, it does get really exhausting having to do everything for her by myself after working all day. We're just looking forward to being able to do fun stuff on the weekends with him eventually.

We are looking forward to the upcoming holidays! We are going to Nana and Papa's house for Thanksgiving, then we are cooking at our house for Christmas. I'm already thinking about what gifts to get Corinne for Christmas. She's going to be one spoiled little girl this holiday season!! Oh, and we're taking our first family photos this Sunday afternoon. I'm really, really looking forward to it. Corinne will be wearing a black and pink polk-a-dot dress, Andrew will be wearing a black shirt, and I'll be wearing a pink shirt. It should be interesting!

(Corinne hanging out at the house and playing on the floor.)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Four months!

Our precious baby girl is now four months old! I can't believe she's getting so big. We just love her so much, and we love watching all of the new things she's able to do each day. She can now laugh out loud, roll over in one direction, grab and play with toys, and bear weight on her legs and stomp around. Her favorite toys are our cell phones, laptops, and food in our plates. Corinne is not really interested in rattles. She also loves her baby einstein piano and her new jumperoo. We had to put a photo album underneath the jumperoo so she can reach with her little feet to jump around! Today, I picked up a couple of used toys at a used toys/clothes store in Lafayette so she can have more toys to play with.

Things are going well in Broussard. Andrew's working ALL the time with his day job and with doing beer-related things for Parish Brewing. Corinne seems to really like her babysitter, Mrs. Martha, because she's all smiles when I drop her off with Mrs. Martha in the mornings. I'm working all day on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. By the time Thursdays come, I feel like I'm going to have a nervous breakdown from the stress of juggling work and getting Corinne to her sitter, etc. I have no idea how moms do it 5 days a week.

We also welcomed a new family member this week, Thomas Nicholas Van Horn. Thomas was born on Tuesday, October 12th and is so adorable!! He shares a birthday with his nana! Congrats Thomas and Jane!

Oh, and I will turn 30 tomorrow. Not excited about this birthday at all. I still feel 18, though!

I hope everyone's doing well!

Our precious girl at 4 months.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Flowers in her hair (sort of!)

I was about to throw away some flowers from this past weekend's birthday party, and I decided to do a quick photo shoot with Corinne. I couldn't get a really good smile out of her because she didn't really like the flowers. However, I did get some cute pictures. Here's one of them!

(11 weeks old)

(10 weeks old; very serious sitting in the chair and looking out the window!)

It was another very busy week here for us. I'm planning to go to Houma for Labor Day weekend because I haven't been since sometime in May. Andrew's going to try to meet us there if he gets his brewing/ fantasy football stuff done. I'm looking forward to some good seafood and life on the bayou for a couple of days. It will be nice to get away after a very stressful week at work.

Hope everyone's doing well!!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Staying very busy

We have been staying incredibly busy the past few weeks with a new baby, work, and Andrew's burgeoning brewing company. Here's a quick recap of what we've been up to.

Parish Brewing Company is doing great! Andrew's beer has been for sale at appx. 6-8 bars/ restaurants in Lafayette, LA since the end of June. People seem to really love his beer! The last weekend of June was very busy for Parish. A launch party for Parish was held in downtown Lafayette at the Greenroom, and his beer was featured at a beer festival in Lafayette called Gulf Brew. His Canebrake seems to be the favorite and will likely end up being his flagship beer. Andrew's sights are now set on expanding his operations so he can supply more than just a handful of bars/ restaurants.

Parish Brewing Company debut at the Greenroom (Andrew with owner of the Greenroom)

His beer sold out!

Mom and Dad at Gulf Brew near the Parish table

People waiting in line to try Parish beer at Gulf Brew

Our precious baby, Corinne, is getting cuter by the day and is now 10 1/2 weeks old. At her 9 week appointment, she was 10 lbs, 11 oz and 22 1/2 inches long. She's essentially completely average for weight and height. Her eyes are still kind of blueish and seem to look gray-blue. I still think they'll probably turn brown, but we shall see. She absolutely loves to practice standing, and she loves to stomp her little feet! She's not really interested in being on her belly very much. She also loves these black and white photos on our wall of cane field workers and an old man shucking oysters. She starting to smile a lot! For the most part, though, she's a very pensive, serious baby. We're also trying to get her into more of a loose routine with her eating and napping during the day. She can sleep about 6-8 hrs at night now! She'll cry a little at about 2am, but I just rub her back a little to get her to fall back asleep. She's also been sleeping in her crib for a full week now! I miss her being next to me at night, but I think she was ready for her own room.

I started working again 4 weeks ago when Corinne was 6 1/2 weeks old. Thank goodness for my mom coming to stay with us a couple nights a week to watch the baby during the day. I'm just working Tues-Thur. all day right now, and my mom is watching her while I work. Corinne will start with a babysitter at the end of September. Her babysitter, Mrs. Martha, is an older lady who lives WAY on the other side of town but came very, very highly recommended. Mrs. Martha will be watching Corinne and one other baby, the 5-month old son of an attorney I work with. It has been extremely difficult to juggle work with taking care of a baby. I feel so exhausted during the week. Pumping at work is also one of the most miserable things I've ever done. I have to pump in what's basically a freezing-cold closet filled with old computers.

Here are some photos of Corinne over the past few weeks:

1 week old (our tiny, skinny baby; I was so worried about her)

2 weeks old (jaundice getting better)

3 weeks old (sponge bath time; gaining a little weight)

4 weeks old (enjoying her bouncer; starting to really gain weight)

6 weeks old (a little personality!)

8 weeks old (pretty eyes and button nose)

9 weeks old (after watching Saints pre-season game)

10 weeks old (happy baby!)

In conclusion, here are some things I've learned since becoming a mom:

- Breastfeeding is incredibly challenging.
- My husband is an amazing dad.
- I'm so lucky to have a mom who's willing to help so much with our baby.
- I have wonderful mom friends.
- The years of late nights during law school and working as an attorney did not prepare me for the sleep-deprivation that comes with taking care of a newborn.
- Being a working mom is stressful, exhausting, and empowering.
- I never knew I could love a little helpless baby so much.
- Things get easier after 10 weeks.

Time to clean the house after yesterday's birthday party!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Corinne's First Visitors

Following are pictures of Corinne with some of her first visitors (I didn't get pictures of everyone who came to visit, including Aunt Mary Katherine, Jaime and her mom, and Uncle Ian).

With my mom (Nina)

With Andrew's mom (Nana)

With Sarah (Ra Ra)

With Andrew's dad (Papa)

With Aunt Scarlet

With Uncle Carson

With Aunt Jennifer (Jenn G) and Uncle Tommy (name tbd)

With Uncle Beau

With my dad (Poppie) and Dale (Grandma)

With Auntie Jane and Londyn (Corinne's first cousin)

Andrew's first Father's Day (6/20/10)

With Elisa

Gorgeous flowers and balloon sent by Auntie Cathy and Uncle Phil

With Dwazendra

With Jessie

With Lindsay

With Bethany

With Tamara

With Aunt Lisanne